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Number of items: 64.

Hariyanto, Oda I.B. (2023) Relevansi Kebudayaan dan Makna Makanan dalam Konteks Pariwisata pada kehidupan Manusia di Era 4.0. In: Penguhukan Guru Gesar, 14 September 2023, Universitas Internasional Batam.

Syarief, Elza (2023) Menjelajahi Hubungan Antara Hukum dan Teknologi (Perkembangan Teknologi Informasi di Indonesia: Belajar dari Pemberlakuan Sertifikat Tanah Elektronik. In: Pengukuhan Guru Besar, 14 September 2023, Universitas Internasional Batam.

Hariyanto, Oda I.B. (2022) Green Awareness and Purchase Intention for Organic Products. In: IOP Conference Series.

Sepriyanto, Jemi and Karina, Ria and Tang, Sukiantono (2022) Faktor-Faktor yang Mempengaruhi Partisipasi Konsumen Dalam Penghindaran Pajak Konsumsi. In: Tugas Akhir. (Submitted)

Sherla Pebriana, Risca and Hendi, Hendi and Tang, Sukiantono (2022) ANALISIS PENGARUH LAPORAN BERKELANJUTAN TERHADAP PERTUMBUHAN PERUSAHAAN DI BURSA EFEK INDONESIA (BEI). In: Tugas Akhir. (Submitted)

Andiana, Elia and Hendi, Hendi and Sumantri, Sumantri (2022) Analisis Financial Leverage Dengan Trading Activity Sebagai Variabel Moderasi dalam Mempengaruhi Kesulitan Keuangan pada Perusahaan Non-Manufaktur Yang Terdaftar Dalam BEI. In: Tugas Akhir. (Submitted)



Hariyanto, Oda I.B. (2022) Cultural Tourism: The Meaning and Symbol of Crocodile Bread in Betawi Traditional Marriage. In: PROCEEDINGSOFTHEINTERNATIONALCONFERENCEONTOURISM,GASTRONOMY,ANDTOURISTDESTINATION. (Submitted)

Rifai, Andri Irfan (2022) Data mining applied for national road maintenance decision support system. In: 4th International Conference on Rehabilitation and Maintenance in Civil Engineering (ICRMCE), 11 Desember 2018, Solo.

Hasan, Golan (2021) Effect of Develop Strategy, Ethical Climate, on Quality Service to Customer Experience With Local Wisdom as a Moderating Variable. In: Proceedings of the International Conference on Management, Accounting, and Economy (ICMAE 2020), 15 September 2020, Online.

Rifai, Andri Irfan (2021) ITISE 2018: Data Mining Applied for Performance Index Prediction in Highway Long Segment Maintenance Contract. In: ITISE 2018: International Conference on Time Series and Forecasting.

Rifai, Andri Irfan (2021) 4th International Conference on Rehabilitation and Maintenance in Civil Engineering (ICRMCE): Data Mining Applied for National Road Maintenance Decision Support System. In: 4th International Conference on Rehabilitation and Maintenance in Civil Engineering (ICRMCE), 11 Desember 2018, Solo.

Rifai, Andri Irfan (2021) 4th International Conference on Rehabilitation and Maintenance in Civil Engineering (ICRMCE): Data Mining Applied for Earthworks Optimisation of A Toll Road Contruction Project. In: 4th International Conference on Rehabilitation and Maintenance in Civil Engineering (ICRMCE), 11 Desember 2018, Solo.

Hasan, Golan (2020) Effect of Develop Strategy, Ethical Climate, on Quality Service to Customer Experience with Local Wisdom as a Moderating Variable. In: Proceedings of the International Conference on Management, Accounting, and Economy (ICMAE 2020).

Fitrianingrum, Agustina (2020) Building Supply Chain Resilince for the Next Normal Era. In: International Webinar on the Sustainable Development Goals for a Better World and Humanity -Pillar of Social Development, 29-Jun-20, Universitas Internasional Batam, Batam, Indonesia.

Fitrianingrum, Agustina (2020) Greenwashing, does it Work Well for Indonesian Millennials Buyers. In: International Conference on Management, Accounting, and Economic 2020, 13-14 Februari 2020, Aston Kartika Grogol Hotel and Conference Center, Jakarta, Indonesia.

Yuwono, Wisnu (2020) International Conference on Management, Accaounting, and Economic " Sustainable Business in the Digital Era". In: International Conference on Management, Accaounting, and Economic " Sustainable Business in the Digital Era", 13-14 Februari 2020, Jakarta.

Jeclyn, Jeclyn and Mardianto, Mardianto and Tang, Sukiantono (2020) Analisis Tata Kelola Perusahaan Terhadap Modal Intelektual dengan Ukuran Perusahaan sebagai Variabel Moderasi. In: Tugas Akhir. (Submitted)

Ma'muriyah, Ni'matul (2019) Microwaves Bridging Smart Cities_2019 Asia-Pasific Microwave Conference. In: Microwaves Bridging Smart Cities_2019 Asia-Pasific Microwave Conference, 10-13 December 2019, Singapore.

Tresnawan, Muhammad Ilham and Ma'muriyah, Ni'matul and Mayanti, Firda (2019) Prototipe Sistem Pendeteksi Gas dan Api Berbasis Android. In: Seminar Nasional Teknik Elektro 2019, Fakultas Sains Dan Teknologi, UIN Sunan Gunung Djati Bandung.

Syarief, Elza (2019) 3rd International Conference on Advances in Business and Law (ICABL). In: LEGAL ANALYSES ON CONSUMER PROTECTION IN PEER TO PEER LENDING IN INDONESIA, 23-24 November 2019, University of Dubai.

Hariyanto, Oda I.B. (2019) Customer Green Awareness and Eco-Label for Organic Products. In: 2019 International Conference of Organizational Innovation (2019 ICOI).

Astutik, Yayuk Setyaning (2019) Non Parametric Kernel in Time Series Data of Composite Stock Pricing: An Application at Indonesia Stock Exchange. In: International Conference 2nd Global Conference on Applied Science, Environment & Industrial Engineering (GSEI), 13-14 June 2019, Seoul, South Korea.

Fitrianingrum, Agustina (2019) Socio Technical System Theory: When The Law Rules The Business. In: The 5th Joint International Conference YSU- 2019, 15 Juni 2019, Youngsan University, Busan, Korea Selatan.

Fitrianingrum, Agustina (2019) Socio Technical System Theory : When The Law Rules The Business. In: The 5th Joint International Conference, 15 June 2019, Youngsan University, South Korea.

Astutik, Yayuk Setyaning (2018) Floor Slab Analysis (Case Study: One Residence Apartment Batam Centre). In: International Conference on Mechanical, Electronics, Computer and Industrial Technology (MECnIT 2018), 12-14 Desember 2018, Medan.

Ma'muriyah, Ni'matul and Yulianto, Andik and Lili, Lili (2018) Design Prototype of audio guidance system for blind by Using raspberry pi and fuzzy logic controller. In: International Conference on Mechanical, Electronics, Computer, and Industrial Technology, 12-14 december 2018, Medan, Indonesia.

Yuwono, Wisnu (2018) ICST 2018 "International Conference on Science and Technology". In: ICST 2018 "International Conference on Science and Technology", 29-30 October 2018.

Nurlaily, Nurlaily (2018) Proceedings The International English Language Teachers and Lecturers Conference (iNELTAL) 2018. In: Proceedings The International English Language Teachers and Lecturers Conference (iNELTAL) 2018, 27-28 Oktober 2018, Malang.

Fitrianingrum, Agustina (2018) The internationalization Modelling To Improve Higher Education Institution's Competitiveness. In: KAIT International Symposium 2018, 4-5 September 2018, Kanagawa Institute of Technology, Kanagawan, Jepang.

Rifai, Andri Irfan (2018) 4th Internationall Conference on Rehabilitation and Maintenance in Civil Engineering (ICRMCE)_1. In: 4th Internationall Conference on Rehabilitation and Maintenance in Civil Engineering (ICRMCE)_1, 11-12 Juli 2018, Solo. (Submitted)

Rifai, Andri Irfan (2018) Proceedings of the 4th International Conference on Engineering, Technology, and Industrial Application (ICETIA) 2017. In: Proceedings of the 4th International Conference on Engineering, Technology, and Industrial Application (ICETIA) 2017, 7 March 2018, Surakarta.

Rifai, Andri Irfan (2018) Preface: Human-Dedicated Sustainable Product and Process Design: Materials, Resources, and Energy. In: Preface: Human-Dedicated Sustainable Product and Process Design: Materials, Resources, and Energy.

Hariyanto, Oda I.B. (2018) Conserving Environment through Local Wisdom of Organic Vegetable Crops in West Java Indonesia. In: Proceedings of The 3rd Global Conference On Business, Management, and Entrepreneurship (GCBME 2018).

Hariyanto, Oda I.B. (2018) Green advertising, green brand image and green awareness for environmental products. In: 3rd Annual Applied Science and Engineering Conference (AASEC 2018).

Rifai, Andri Irfan (2018) Proceeding International Conference on Time Series and Forecasting_ITISE 2018. In: Proceeding International Conference on Time Series and Forecasting_ITISE 2018, 2018, Granada.

Hariyanto, Oda I.B. (2018) The Implementation of Audit towards Destination to Tourists’ Safety, Security and Comfort. In: The 1st Inter-University Forum for Strengthening Academic Competency (IFSAC).

Syarief, Elza and Shahrullah, Rina Shahriyani and Moniaga, Yenny (2017) "Haven For Counterfeit International Branded Bags": Challenges for Trademark Protection in Batam City, Indonesia. In: Conference on Business and Social Sciences, 4-5 Desember 2017, Bangkok, Thailand.

Shahrullah, Rina Shahriyani and Syarief, Elza and Moniaga, Yenny (2017) Haven for Counterfeit International Branded Bags’: Challenges for Trademark Protection in Batam City, Indonesia. In: 6 th Global Conference on Business and Social Sciences, 4-5 December 2017, Ambassador Hotel, Bangkok, Thailand. (Submitted)

Syarief, Elza and Shahrullah, Rina Shahriyani (2017) Combatting Pirated VCDS/DVDS in Batam City, Indonesia: “Facts and Expectations”. In: International Conference on Interdisicplinary Social Science Studies (ICISSS 2017), 24-26 April 2017, Boston. (Submitted)

Astutik, Yayuk Setyaning (2017) Implementasi TD-Cox pada Analisis Survival Mahasiswa (Studi Kasus: Universitas Internasional Batam), Jakarta – Indonesia. In: Hibah DIKTI.

Hariyanto, Oda I.B. (2017) Store Image of Organic Product: Social Responsibility and Trust’s Mediator. In: 2017 5th International Conference on Cyber and IT Service Mangement (CITSM 2017).

Hariyanto, Oda I.B. (2017) Green Awareness and Purchase Intention for Organic Products. In: 2nd Annual Applied Science and Engineering Conference (AASEC 2017).

Shahrullah, Rina Shahriyani and Syarief, Elza and Fitrianingrum, Agustina (2016) Increasing Effectiveness of Arbitration in Indonesia: “Collaboration between Legal Project Management and Online Arbitration”. In: Proceedings of the 10th International Conference on Poject Management. (Submitted)

Shahrullah, Rina Shahriyani (2016) Asia-Pacific Sociological Association (APSA) Conference: “Transforming Societies: Contestations and Convergences in Asia and the Pacific”. In: Asia Pacific Sociological Association Conference.

Rifai, Andri Irfan (2016) Proceeding_Analisa Pemilihan Transportasi Umum Menuju Bandara Soekarno Hatta dengan Metode Stated Preference. In: Analisa Pemilihan Transportasi Umum Menuju Bandara Soekarno Hatta dengan Metode Stated Preference, 23 Agustus 2016, Majalengka.

Rifai, Andri Irfan (2016) Proceeding_Model Desain Perkerasan dan Pembiayaan Runway Bandar Udara Remote Area Dengan Metoda CBR dan FAA. In: Proceeding_Model Desain Perkerasan dan Pembiayaan Runway Bandar Udara Remote Area Dengan Metoda CBR dan FAA.

Yuwono, Wisnu (2016) Prosiding_Seminar Nasional_Urgensi Bisnis dan Komunikasi Dalam Memperkuat Peran Indonesia Menghadapi Dinamika Ekonomi dan Politik Global. In: Kajian Strategi Investasi di Kota Batam Melalui Implementasi Teknik Fishbein, 2-3 Mei 2016, Jakarta.

Shahrullah, Rina Shahriyani and Syarief, Elza and Chan, Nita (2016) Strategies of Banks in Batam City to Comply with Corporate Social Responsibility. In: Proceedings of the 4th International Conference on Management, Leadership and Governance(ICMLG), 14-15 April 2016, Russia. (Submitted)

Shahrullah, Rina Shahriyani and Syarief, Elza and Dahlia, Yayak (2016) Examining the "Copy & Paste" Regulation of Batam City to Combat Human Trafficking in the Transit Area. In: International Journal of Law and Interdisciplinary Legal Studies.

Shahrullah, Rina Shahriyani and Fitrianingrum, Agustina (2016) Higher Education Internationalization in a Developing Country: A Road Map. In: Proceedings of the 10th International Conference on Project Management, 16-19 November 2016, Australia. (Submitted)

Hariyanto, Oda I.B. (2016) Pergeseran Makna Sakral dan Fungsi Tumpeng di Era Globalisasi. In: Seminar Nasional Rapat Kerja Tahun 2016.

Syarief, Elza (2015) “Marriage Law for Non Muslim in Indonesia”. In: “Marriage Law for Non Muslim in Indonesia”. (Submitted)

Jurnali, Teddy and Nabiha, Siti A. K (2015) Successful Implementation of Performance Management Systems in Indonesian Local Government. In: The Proceedings of the International Conference on Management Leadership and Governance ICMLG 2015, 12th -13th February 2015, Auckland University of Technology and Massey University New Zealand.

Shahrullah, Rina Shahriyani and Syarief, Elza (2015) Controversies on The Existences of Indigenous Lands in Indonesia (A Study of Kampung Tua Tanjung Uma in Batam Island). In: Controversies on The Existences of Indigenous Lands in Indonesia (A Study of Kampung Tua Tanjung Uma in Batam Island, Universitas Intenasional Batam. (Submitted)

Ma'muriyah, Ni'matul and Nuzula, Isnaini and Tresnawan, Dian (2014) Implementation of Bayesian Multinomial Logistic Regression to Determine Characteristic of Student who select Electric Engineering Program in Higher Education at Batam. In: International Conference on Project Management, 3-6 December 2014, Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia.

Tresnawan, Dian (2014) Simulation of Stacked Patch Antenna by Moment of Method. In: The 3rd International Conference on Radar, Antenna, Microwave, Electronics and Telecommunications (ICRAMET) 2014, 7-8 May 2014, Batam, Indonesia.

Shahrullah, Rina Shahriyani (2014) Transborder Human Trafficking Migration Challenges for ASEAN Countries. In: Asia-Pacific Sociological Association (APSA) Conference: “Transforming Societies: Contestations and Convergences in Asia and the Pacific”, 15-16 February 2014, Chiang Mai University, Thailand. (Submitted)

Shahrullah, Rina Shahriyani and Syarief, Elza (2014) Utilizing Legal Project Management in the Mediation Process of Social Conflict in Sambas, West Kalimantan. In: Proceedings of the 8th International Conference on Project Management. (Submitted)

Jurnali, Teddy and Nabiha, Siti A. K (2013) Public Sector Reform And Performance Measurement System For The Local Government The Case Of Indonesia. In: 2nd A4-PFM Conference, 21-22 October 2013, Universitas Terbuka COnvention Center.

Nuzula, Isnaini and Sabariman, Sabariman (2011) The Approach on Outlier Assessment to Support A Decision Making of Bank Loan Distribution. In: ProMac Symposium 2011, Nov 29 - Dec 2, 2011, Batam, Indonesia.

Astutik, Yayuk Setyaning and Shahrullah, Rina Shahriyani (2011) Decision Analysis using Markov Chain to Predict Marketing Trends. In: Proceedings of the ProMAC Symposium 2011, 29 November - 2 December, Batam.

Rifai, Andri Irfan 4th Internationall Conference on Rehabilitation and Maintenance in Civil Engineering (ICRMCE). In: 4th Internationall Conference on Rehabilitation and Maintenance in Civil Engineering (ICRMCE), 11-12 Juli 2018, Solo.

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