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Purwianti, Lily Analisa Pengaruh Brand Image, Celebrity Endorser, Attitude, Trust, dan Brand Awareness terhadap Purchase Intention Pada Fashion Sportwear di Kota Batam. SEIKO: Journal of Management & Business.
Purwianti, Lily Analisis Faktor yang Mempengaruhi Purchase Intention Produk Skincare Dengan Mediasi Trust pada Kalangan Generasi Z di Kota Batam. Ekonomis: Journal of Economics and Business.
Purwianti, Lily Analisis Pengaruh Quality Product, Price, Brand Image, Customer Experience Terhadap Customer Satisfaction Restoran Budi Siang Malam. Jurnal Mirai Management.
Purwianti, Lily Analisis Pengaruh Repurchase Intention Terhadap Minuman Boba King Di Kota Batam. SEIKO: Journal of Management & Business.
Purwianti, Lily Analisis Pengaruh Service quality, Price dan Brand Image terhadap Loyalitas Pelanggan pada Amati Coffee shop di kota Batam. YUME: Journal of Management.
Purwianti, Lily Analysis of e-WOM, Brand Attitude, Brand Image on Purchase Intention. SEIKO: Journal of Management & Business.
Purwianti, Lily Faktor yang Mempengaruhi Kepuasan Pelanggan Terhadap Rubeka Coffee Shop. YUME: Journal of Management.
Purwianti, Lily Pengaruh Brand Satisfaction Terhadap Brand Loyalty Dengan Mediasi Brand Preference, Brand Trust, Dan Brand Love Pada Generasi Z Dikota Batam. Jurnal Administrasi dan Manajemen.
Purwianti, Lily Pengaruh Online Retailer CSR Terhadap Customer Purchase Intention DenganMediasi Brand Identification, Word Of Mouth dan Customer Satisfaction. YUME: Journal of Management.
Purwianti, Lily Pengaruh Subjective Norm, Halal Logo, Convenience dan Attitude terhadap Online Intention to Shop pada Skincare Halal di Kota Batam. YUME: Journal of Management.
Purwianti, Lily Pengaruh Utilitarian Value, Hedonic Value, Satisfaction, Word Of Mouth Terhadap Purchase Intention. YUME: Journal of Management.
Purwianti, Lily Pengaruh market orientation, entrepreneurial orientation terhadap kinerja perusahaan dengan mediasi absorptive capacity. Jurnal Ilmiah Bisnis Dan Ekonomi Asia.