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Perancangan Sistem Akuntansi Berbasis Software Microsoft Access pada Wise Education Centre

Peny, Peny (2020) Perancangan Sistem Akuntansi Berbasis Software Microsoft Access pada Wise Education Centre. Project Report. Universitas Internasional Batam. (Submitted)


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Penulis menggunakan Wise Education Centre sebagai objek dalam penelitian. Wise Education Centre dalam menjalankan usahanya belum menggunakan sistem pencatatan akuntansi, sehingga mengakibatkan pemilik Wise Education Centre kesulitan untuk mengetahui kondisi keuangan dan kinerja perusahaannya. Penelitian yang dilakukan memiliki tujuan mengembangkan suatu sistem yang dapat mencatat transaksi sesuai dengan usaha Wise Education Centre. Penelitian ini dilakukan dari 01 Oktober 2019 sampai dengan 31 Desember 2019. Fokus utama dalam penelitian mengatasi kendala-kendala pembukuan pada Wise Education Centre dengan menggunakan aplikasi berbasis komputer sebagai sistem perusahaan. Hasil dari penelitian yang dilakukan adalah suatu sistem pencatatan akuntansi yang dirancang dengan menggunakan perangkat Microsoft Access 2019. Proses pembuatan sistem dimulai dari tahap observasi ke lapangan serta wawancara kepada pemilik Wise Education Centre untuk mengetahui gambaran usaha. Luaran proyek dari penelitian ini yaitu sebuah sistem yang terdiri dari daftar akun, daftar data siswa, daftar pemasok, daftar harga produk, formulir pendapatan, formulir pembelian, formulir penerimaan pendapatan, formulir pembayaran pembelian, jurnal umum, formulir utang, formulir piutang, dan laporan keuangan meliputi, laporan neraca saldo, laporan posisi keuangan, laporan perubahan modal, laporan laba rugi, laporan pendapatan, laporan pembelian, laporan utang, dan laporan piutang. Sistem setelah dilakukan diimplementasi memiliki banyak dampak positif karena sangat membantu pemilik Wise Education Centre dalam mengelola pencatatan setiap transaksi menjadi terstruktur. Laporan keuangan yang dihasilkan membantu proses penentuan keputusan yang efektif. ********************************************************************** The author uses the Wise Education Centre as an object in research. Wise Education Centre in running its business has not used an accounting recording system so that it makes owners of the Wise Education Centre difficult to know the financial condition and performance of the company. The research carried out has the aim of developing a system that can record transactions following the business of the Wise Education Centre. This research was conducted from 01 October 2019 to 31 December 2019. The main focus of the study was to overcome the bookkeeping constraints at the Wise Education Centre by using computer-based applications as a corporate system. The results of the research carried out is an accounting recording system designed using the tool Microsoft Access 2019. The process of making the system starts from the observation stage to the field and interviews with the owners of the Wise Education Centre to find out the business picture. The project output of this research is a system consisting of a list of accounts, a list of student data, a list of suppliers, a list of product prices, and form of income, a purchase form, an income receipt form, a payment form, a general journal, a debt form, a receivable form, and a report finance includes, a trial balance report, statement of financial position, statement of changes in capital, income statement, purchase report, debt report, and accounts receivable report. The system after it is implemented has many positive effects because it greatly helps the owner of the Wise Education Centre in managing the recording of each transaction to be structured. The resulting financial statements help the process of determining effective decisions.

Item Type: Monograph (Project Report)
Additional Information: Similarity: 17
Uncontrolled Keywords: Microsoft access, system, preparation, design, financial statements.
Subjects: H Social Sciences > HF Commerce > HF5601 Accounting
Divisions: School of Economic and Business > Management
SWORD Depositor: Admin Repository Universitas Internasional Batam
Depositing User: Admin Repository Universitas Internasional Batam
Date Deposited: 04 May 2020 02:48
Last Modified: 04 May 2020 02:49
URI: http://repository.uib.ac.id/id/eprint/2899

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