Tinjauan Yuridis terhadap Pemenuhan Hak Hak Aksesibilitas dan Pelayanan Publik bagi Kaum Disabilitas Berdasarkan Undang Undang Nomor 8 Tahun 2016 di Kota Batam (Studi Kasus di Disdukcapil dan BPJS Batam)

Pinky, Rajbir Kaur (2018) Tinjauan Yuridis terhadap Pemenuhan Hak Hak Aksesibilitas dan Pelayanan Publik bagi Kaum Disabilitas Berdasarkan Undang Undang Nomor 8 Tahun 2016 di Kota Batam (Studi Kasus di Disdukcapil dan BPJS Batam). Undergraduate thesis, Universitas Internasional Batam.


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Penulis melakukan penelitian yang berjudultinjauan yuridis terhadap pemenuhan hak aksesibilitas dan pelayanan publik bagi kaum disabilitas berdasarkan Undang Undang nomor 8 tahun 2016 di Batam, di dalam penelitan ini penulis membahas mengenai apakah Undang Undang diasbilitas yang mnegatur mengenai pelayanan publik dan aksesibilitas telah berjalan sebagaiman yang telah diaturkan, di BPJS kesehatan cabangkota batam, juga di Dinas Kependudukan dan Pencatatan Sipil kota batam Dalam penulisan Laporan skripsi ini,penulis memilih menggunakan jenis penelitian empiris, dimana ini berarti penelitian yang dilakukan oleh penulis melihat hukum dalam artian nyata dan meneliti bagaimana bekerjanya hukum di lingkungan masyarakat. Sebagaimana apakah yang telah diatur tentang askesibilitas dan pelayanan publik terhadap masyarakat disabilitas telah sesuai dengan Undang Undang nomor 8 tahun 2016 tentang penyandang disabilitas. Hasil penelitian terhadap tinjauan yuridis terhadap pemenuhan hak aksesibilitas dan pelayanan publik bagi kaum disabilitas berdasarkan Undang Undang nomor 8 tahun 2016 di Batam, adalah dalam bentuk fisik, memng belm dapt dijalankan secara maksimal, baik dari segi pelayanan public, maupun dari segi aksesibilitas, namun sebagaimana yang telah diaturkan bahwa kedua instansi tersebut harus memberi akomodasi dan kenyamana, maka kedua instansi tersebut memberikan upaya upaya lain terhadap disabilitas sehingga kebutuhan dan hak haknya tetap dapat terpenuhi ********************************************************************** The author conducted a research entitled juridical review of the fulfillment of accessibility rights and public services for people with disabilities based on Law No. 8 of 2016 in Batam, in this research the author discusses whether the permissible law regulating public services and accessibility has been implemented as arranged, in the BPJS health of batangkota batam, also in the City Population and Civil Registration Service In writing this thesis report, the author chooses to use this type of empirical research, which means that the research conducted by the author sees the law in real terms and examines how the law works in the community. As to whether what has been regulated about accessibility and public services to people with disabilities is in accordance with Law No. 8 of 2016 concerning persons with disabilities. . The results of the research on the juridical review of the fulfillment of accessibility rights and public services for persons with disabilities based on Law No. 8 of 2016 in Batam, are in physical form, yet can be run optimally, both in terms of public services, as well as in terms of accessibility, but as which has been regulated that the two agencies must provide accommodation and comfort, then the two agencies provide other efforts against disability so that their needs and rights can still be fulfilled

Item Type: Thesis (Undergraduate)
Additional Information: Similarity: 20
Uncontrolled Keywords: Dissability, Accessibility, Public Services
Subjects: K Law > Hukum Perdata
K Law
Divisions: School of Law > Law Science
SWORD Depositor: Admin Repository Universitas Internasional Batam
Depositing User: Admin Repository Universitas Internasional Batam
Date Deposited: 14 Nov 2018 04:36
Last Modified: 14 Nov 2018 04:54
URI: http://repository.uib.ac.id/id/eprint/1138

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